
how to apply

This section concerns international applicants who wish to apply for a degree programme at the school outside a university partnership.

Engineering Programme

  • Présentation

The Arts et Métiers engineer is par excellence the engineer who designs and produces products and production systems. Throughout the three years, the student-engineer builds his training project according to his professional objectives. After the first two years of study, focused on experimentation and mastery of technologies, the student can specialise through one of the 32 « expertises » offered. Graduates work in sectors as varied as the automotive, transport, equipment, chemical, energy, construction, IT, telecommunications and service industries.

  • Admission

To apply for the Engineering Programme, international applicants must have a Bachelor's degree or an engineering degree (or equivalent).

The different admission routes to enter the Grande Ecole programme as a free-mover are listed below. Each of them has a specific calendar, for further information about theses calendar, please visit their website :

  • Through the entrance exam, from 2/3/4 years of engineering studies
  • Through the Programme N+i, from 3 years of engineering studies or a Bachelor degree. (Additional cost can be applied by N+i)
  • Through ParisTech, from 3 years of engineering studies or a Bachelor degree.minimum.

ParisTech and N+I are the recommended procedures if the applicant lives abroad. Only international applicants can apply through them. However, it is not possible to submit an application on both platforms; applicants must choose one or the other.

  • Prérequis linguistiques

Level of french : B2 minimum

Approved certifications: DELF, DALF, TCF (5 competences) or a TEF (4 competences). No matter the certification, the assessment must evaluate the following skills : writting, speaking, listening, reading.


Master degree


Arts et Métiers offers Master's degrees in 4 different fields: mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, energy and health engineering. This is a 5-year national degree, which allows students to pursue with doctoral studies and research.

Although a Master's degree takes two years to complete, it is possible to enter the first year and obtain the degree in two years, or to enter the second year and obtain the degree in one year.

Health Engineering

The "Health Engineering" specialisation offers several specialisations all taught in English. For more information on the course, see :

  • The website of the BioMedical Engineering Master

The first year of the Master's degree in Health Engineering is accessible to candidates who have validated, or who will validate during the year of application, the equivalent of a bachelor's degree in the field of medical sciences or engineering. This first year, once validated, allows access to the second year of the Master's degree in the same field.

The second year of the Master's degree in Health Engineering is accessible to candidates who have validated, or who will validate during the year of application:

  • 1st year of a Master degree (or equivalent) in health engineering
  • A Master degree in healt engineering
  • Engineering degree (ou équivalent)

Applications for the 1st and 2d year can only be made via the Master Biomedical Engineering website. They start from beginning of January until the end of May.

Biomedical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Energy

Admission from 1st year : Factory of the Future (FoF)

Factory of the Future is the name of a first year Master degree at the Arts et Métiers which gives access to the three areas of study : Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Energy. This year of teaching is composed of a common core fully taught in english. Its validation allows access to the second year of the Master's programme in the following fields: mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, energy.

The Factory of the Future is open to candidates who have completed or will complete the equivalent of a Bachelor's degree in the fields of science and technology, science for engineers, mechanics.

Applications start from beginning of Frebruary until the end of May via our own application plateforme (see below).

However, once the application is created, the application must be submitted within 15 days.

Admission from 1st year : Management of 3D Interactive Technologies (MTI3D)

The 1st year of the Master in 3D Interactive Technologies Management taught in French is part of the Industrial Engineering field. Its validation allow access to the differents specializations of this study area.

The first year of the Master in Interactive Technologies Management is accessible to candidates who have validated or will validate during the year of application, the equivalent of a Bachelor's degree in the fields of science and technology, science for engineers, computer science, computer graphics and media.

Further information about this master are available on the dedicated page.

Application procedures are available on the « Application plateforme » paragraphe below. Applications start from beginning of Frebruary until the end of May.

However, once the application is created, the application must be submitted within 15 days.

Admission in 2nd year

During the second year of the Master's programme, students can choose among about twenty specialisation. These specialisations are taught in French and/or English.

Admission to the second year is open to candidates who have validated or will validate, during the year of application, the equivalent of a first year of Master's degree.

Application procedures are available on the « Application plateforme » paragraphe below. Applications start from beginning of Frebruary until the end of May.

However, once the application is created, the application must be submitted within 15 days.

Linguistic requirement

Masters courses are taught either in French or in English. Candidates will be required to provide a B2 level certification in the language of instruction. Here is the list of accepted certifications:

French : DELF, DALF, TCF (5 competences) or a TEF (4 competences). No matter the certification, the assessment must evaluate the following skills : writting, speaking, listening, reading.

English : IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC (for any other certfification please contact us at

How to apply

Application are opened from Feruary to 31st of May. However, once the application is created, the application must be submitted within 15 days.

1 - Create you online account

2 - Apply

  • Click on "Apply to Arts et Métiers";
  • Click on "Apply for The Grande Ecole Engineering programme" ;
  • Read the instructions ;
  • Complete the online application form;
  • Attach all the following documents in PDF format (they are all compulsory to examine your application) :
  • Identity picture
  • Scanned copy of good quality of passport/ national ID card
  • One-page resumé (CV) with photo
  • Statement of purpose in which you describe your academic interests and reasons for applying
  • Transcripts from higher education
  • Copy of highest university degree (if any) or current certificate of enrolment
  • Ranking certificate, certified by the awarding institution (if available)
  • 2 letters of recommendation from professors in your home university or other (eg a laboratory you worked at), in scientific or technological fields
  • Learning agreement signed by you and your home institution, listing the study programme you would like to take at Arts et Métiers
  • Proof of language proficiency (English or French depending on the programme you apply for)

Bachelor de technologie

The programme is taught in French and it is not offered to exchange students.

Entry requirements and the specific application process for free-moving students are available here, in French.

Programme Ingénieur de spécialité

The programme is taught in French and it is not offered to exchange students.

Entry requirements and the specific application process for free-moving students are available here, in French.

Mastères Spécialisés

Programmes can be taught in French or in English.

They are not offered to exchange students.

Entry requirements and the specific application process for free-moving students are available here, in French.

Le doctorat

Entry requirements and application process are available here, in French.

Dernières actualités

Le projet européen MAXIMA fête ses 18 mois. Stéphane Clénet, coordinateur du projet, explique son objectif et ses avancées.

Actualité, Innovation

Former les élèves de primaire à l’impression 3D, c’est le défi que se donne le projet Erasmus+ coordonné par Arts et Métiers qui a débuté le 16 septembre dernier.


Le Grand Défi des élèves du campus Arts et Métiers de Cluny a eu lieu les 18 et 19 octobre 2024.

Actualité, Vie étudiante

Retour sur une session d'information marquant le lancement d'une série d'ateliers et de formations dans le cadre du partenariat stratégique entre Arts et Métiers Rabat, Huawei Maroc, et l'ICT Academy Huawei Maroc.
