Tuition fees

Group of students

The tuition fees to be paid depend on the programme. Those indicated below apply to free movers.

Admitted students who have not paid their tuition fees on time will not be able to enroll at Arts et Métiers.

The tuition fees to be paid depend on the programme. Those indicated below apply to free movers.

Admitted students who have not paid their tuition fees on time will not be able to enroll at Arts et Métiers.

For the Engineering programme the amount is the same for EU/EEA and non-EU/EEA citizens. The fee is around 618€/academic year and it has to be paid the registration day, at the latest.

For one-year Master’s programme the amount is the same for EU/EEA and non-EU/EEA citizens. The fee is around 243€/academic year and it has to be paid the registration day, at the latest.

Students accepted to Arts et Métiers but wishing to decline their offer are required to send an email to . Please note that admission to Arts et Métiers is conditional until the tuition fee payment has been received.

Dernières actualités

En 2022, Arts et Métiers a adopté un plan Développement Durable et Responsabilité Sociétale (DD&RS) 2023-2027.

Actualité, Développement durable

Retrouvez le parcours d'Olivier Fleurette, ancien étudiant Arts et Métiers, qui a participé à la création et à la réalisation des effets pyrotechniques lors des Jeux Olympiques de Paris 2024 !


Face aux défis environnementaux, économiques et sociétaux de la filière forêt-bois, Arts et Métiers coordonne un projet pour préparer les compétences de demain.

Actualité, Développement durable

En 2025, venez parler orientation en rencontrant personnels et étudiants Arts et Métiers sur des salons étudiants.

Actualité, Formations