Congratulations on being admitted to Arts et Métiers !
Admission letters or notifications are sent by email to students and, where necessary, partner institutions.
If hard copies are needed, please let us know.
After receiving your confirmation of admission, Arts et Métiers will provide you with all the information and support you need before making the move to France. Practical matters such as residence permit, accommodation, health insurance, enrollment can be attended to as soon as your admission is confirmed.
If you have been admitted to Arts et Métiers but you are facing a visa problem, a delayed arrival or a request for postponement of admission, please contact the Admissions Department and the International Relations Office on your campus as soon as possible (at the email addresses indicated on your admission letter).
Academic calendar
The academic year at Arts et Métiers is divided into two terms. The autumn term starts in September and runs until end of January. Spring term begins end of January and runs until the beginning of June.
Exams take place in January and May. Re-examination takes place in February and June.
French language courses
French language courses are offered in all our campuses throughout the academic year. They are recommended to international students who wish to get an introduction to French society and culture or to improve their proficiency in French.
Distance learning courses are also available. Here are some examples of French courses that could help you prepare your stay in France:
- Vivre en France - A2
- Vivre en France - B1
- Vivre en France - A1
- Travailler en France A2-B1
- Étudier en France : French Intermediate course B1-B2
In addition, external institutions may offer French language courses to international students in July and/or in August. You should contact them directly since these programmes are not managed by Arts et Métiers. Tuition fees may apply; in this case they are payable by the student.
Here is a non-exhaustive list: