22. April : Webinar "Open Innovation for collaborative production engineering"

webinaire inedit

The projects of the Horizon 2020 call Open Innovation for collaborative production engineering present a joint webinar about the different approaches following the Open Innovation concept.

The four sister projects OpenNext, iProduce, DIY4U and INEDIT will come together to share their projects, present insights and answer your questions. INEDIT is coordinated by Arts et Métiers. 

  • OpenNext establishes a company community collaboration for Open Hardware.
  • iProduce conceptualises collaborative manufacturing in the Social Manufacturing Framework).
  • DIY4U personalises and customises Fast Moving Consumer Goods through an Open Innovation Digital Platform and Fablabs.
  • INEDIT creates an Open Innovation community for co-design in furniture manufacturing.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 869952

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