Knowledge integration in mechanical production - Design and Manufacturing

campus paris

Design and Manufacturing (DM) program is one track of the Master of Science, untitled Knowledge Integration in Mechanical Production.

This track is dedicated to the integration of product data in the design of its manufacturing process. This program is completely taught in English and is open to international students.


Arts et Métiers campus of Paris

An international program

Several double degrees have been signed with partner universities:

Arts et Métiers students interested in getting a double degree should spend the first year of the master in one of the partner university and complete it with one KIMP-DM year.

In addition, this master of science is open to 6 months or one year through ERASMUS exchange programs.

Learning outcomes

Identifying and formalizing the Knowledge based on a scientific approach about design, innovation, production planning and manufacturing systems. The KIMP-DM program provides training for further PhD studies, research activities or positions in industry as an expert with having an international experience by working in an international and multicultural context.

  • Designing product and process: Innovation, conceptual design, eco-design, detail design, geometric modeling, structure analysis, integrated design and manufacturing, cost estimation
  • Developing Knowledge engineering and integration: Big data management, Knowledge management, collaborative design, capitalization of the knowledge, digital mock-up and virtual environments

Program description

This program is composed by one semester of courses taught in English and held in the campus of Paris and one semester dedicated to carry out the Master Thesis. This master thesis is a full time work in a laboratory or in a company, in France or abroad.

The first semester is split into two quarters, one quarter of core courses (shared with all KIMP tracks) and one quarter of specialized courses.

Core courses

  • Methods, models for the integration of both product and manufacturing process parameters
  • Tools for integration - Example on the generation of Machining process by using AI approaches (expert system, Constraint Satisfaction Problem, Fuzzy Logic, AHP)
  • Modeling and control of mechatronics devices
  • Manufacturing process management
  • Literature Review
  • French language and culture (Foreign language for French speakers)

Specialized Courses

  • Decision and risk analysis
  • Sustainable engineering
  • Robust Design and Big Data (data mining and analysis, PCA, Support Vector Machine, R software)
  • Geometrical product representation for CAD and CAM
  • Digital mock-up and virtual environments

In addition, all students participate to the ATHENS program, one-week exchange session, held by a network of European higher education institutions.

Master thesis projects

As examples of Master Thesis projects perform the previous school year:

  • Human factors in quality management
  • 3D metallic printing of stamping tools
  • Monitoring Collection & Assortment in luxury company
  • Uncertainties management in a quality characterization technique
  • Big data environment: New KPIs in data-driven decision
  • Designing of a collaborative robotic cell for the assembly of car engines
  • Simulation of manufacturing processes considering the Human Factors - Optimization of time margins allocation

Career projects

Careers in industry: Research and development department, design department, quality department, production department in manufacturing industries

Positions: Manager in all aforementioned sectors, PhD in Mechanical engineering

Careers in academia: researcher, professor

How to apply ?

If you need further information or if you want to apply to KIMP-DM program, you can directly contact the teaching manager, Associate Professor Alain ETIENNE ( to start the application process, composed by the following key milestones:

  • Mid-February: Opening Application process
  • End of June: Closing Application process
  • Beginning of July: Final admission jury
  • 1st October: Start of school year 2018 with the Welcome course!

Practical information

  • Expected degree:
    • For Arts et Métiers students: the selection is performed through 2A and 2B selection processes. If you want to apply to KTH double degree, you have to apply through 2A selection process
    • For foreign students: having a degree equals to M1 (first year of Master of science degree)
  • Teaching language: English
  • Period: One year (starts with fall semester in October)
  • Teaching hours: about 200 hours of face to face training
  • ECTS credits: 30 per semester (a total of 60 credits)




Design and manufacturing engineering, CAD, CAM, Knowledge integration, mechanical engineering, risk analysis, virtual reality, product geometry representation, machine tool, geometry, digital mock-up

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