Prepare your arrival : visa, insurance, enrollment, etc

Don't forget to prepare your arrival

Once you have been admitted to Arts et Métiers there are many things to prepare before departure. On these pages we have gathered useful information that will help you prepare for your arrival in France.

We recommend you make sure you arrive in time for the beginning of the semester where you will receive important information about your studies and Arts et Métiers.

Important, consider business hours and getting the key to your new accommodation when making your travel arrangements.

We would also advise you to read through the Campus France website for additional information.


Before your arrival you will receive a message inviting you to fill in your online registration form, the first step of the enrollment process. This will be completed once you arrive at Arts et Métiers and present the documents requested for registration.  Mandatory documents to bring with you and present to the Registration Office:

  • Valid identity document + Copy of good quality
    • EU citizens: passport or identity card
    • Non-EU citizens: passport
  • Copy of good quality of valid temporary residence permit for studies OR Proof that an application for temporary residence permit has been submitted OR Copy of good quality of your long-stay visa for studies (for those already living in France)
  • Your invitation or letter of acceptance
  • EU/EEA students: your European Health Insurance Card
  • Proof of your civil liability insurance
  • Proof of your medical evacuation/repatriation insurance valid for the length of your stay
  • Where necessary, original results of your language tests (DELF B2 for engineering double degree students coming from non-French speaking countries, TOEFL or equivalent for the 2-year master’s programme, etc.)
  • Where necessary, please make sure you can pay the tuition fees. Admission to Arts et Métiers is conditional until the first tuition fee payment has been received.

As soon as the registration process is complete you will receive your student card, Certificate of enrollment, your access codes and an institutional e-mail address. 

Health insurance

Health insurance is mandatory during your studies at Arts et Métiers. As soon as you receive your certificate of enrollment from the Registration Office in your Arts et Métiers campus, you can take out a health insurance policy with the Caisse primaire d’assurance maladie. You can register here.


EU/EEA citizens holders of a valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) are exempt from taking out this health insurance. A copy of their EHIC, valid for at least the 1st year of study at Arts et Métiers, must be provided the registration day.

Important: the French Social Security and the EHIC only entitle you to 60-70% reimbursement of medical expenses, on average, under the French Social Security scheme.

So, it is highly recommended to take out additional insurance coverage, called “complémentaire santé”. This additional coverage is not compulsory but it will make up for all or part of the expenses not covered by the French Social Security. You can sign up with a "mutuelle" or an insurance company.

Visa/Residence permit

Students from outside the EU/EEA require a residence permit to study in France. The non-EU/EEA students holding a residence permit in another EU country must also apply for a French one.

Find your category to see exactly what applies to you: Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs

Please note that all applicants living in a country concerned by the “Studying in France” procedure must apply through Campus France. This is mandatory for the obtaining of the visa.

French courses 

French language courses are offered in all our campuses throughout the academic year. They are recommended to international students who wish to get an introduction to French society and culture or to improve their proficiency in French.

Distance learning courses are also available. Here are some examples of French courses that could help you prepare your stay in France:

In addition, external institutions may offer French language courses to international students in July and/or in August. You should contact them directly since these programmes are not managed by Arts et Métiers. Tuition fees may apply; in this case they are payable by the student.

Here is a non-exhaustive list:

Dernières actualités

La rétroconception est une solution précieuse dans de nombreux cas : perte de plans, suppression accidentelle de la CAO ou analyse de la concurrence.

Actualité, Focus, Entreprise

Arts et Métiers et Safran annoncent le lancement de la Chaire CESAME, dédiée au développement de procédés innovants en aéronautique.

Actualité, Entreprise

Une soixantaine d'étudiantes d'Arts et Métiers ont participé à une journée exceptionnelle consacrée à la sensibilisation aux enjeux de la mixité.
