
Visuel présentant la façade de l'établissement du campus Arts et Métiers de Paris

Access to the Programme Grande Ecole (PGE) engineering programme can be done via the ParisTech platform.

Access to the Programme Grande Ecole (PGE) engineering programme can be done via the ParisTech platform.

  • Within the framework of a partnership :  for candidates from South America, Asia and Russia
  • For freemover students : every other countries


ParisTech is a consortium of prestigious higher education institutions, which collaborate on joint training, research and innovation projects in the fields of Science, Technology and Management.

Comprising excellent Grandes Écoles, each of which is a leader in its field, ParisTech works closely with education and research centre worldwide, and has entered into numerous partnership agreements.


The ParisTech International Admission Program is supported by the governments, but also by industry, for which engineering training based on the French model remains an important priority for its development strategy.

ParisTech schools admit international students generally in the second year of the "diplôme d'ingénieur", i.e. at master level (1st year). Selection is made on the basis of an application form at least at bac+3/Bachelor level.

Students can get a double degree (diplôme d'ingénieur of the ParisTech school and a master degree from their home university) if there is any double degree agreement between ParisTech and/or the school and the university.


The Engineering programme is fully taught in French.

The admission requirements are :

  • A B2 level in French, justified by an official certificate such as DELF or TCF/TEF (with at least the following 4 skills: oral and written expression, oral and written comprehension)
  • French can’t be your mother tongue


The application procedure depends on the country you are from. Usually the opening of online application is around the 1st of June and the results are published during the last week of November


Please note that you cannot apply on both the N+I and ParisTech platforms.  You must choose between the two.

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