The CETIM and Arts et Métiers intend to work together in the ASEAN together.

Asean english site

During a meeting between Arts et Métiers' Vice President for Research and Innovation and CETIM's International Director at Matcor (CETIM) in Singapore, discussions focused on the possibility of creating  a CETIM/Arts et Métiers alliance for the ASEAN region.

The CETIM and Arts et Métiers are already collaborating on several projects in France, and Matcor is already a partner in the Descartes program run by CNRS@Create, under the direction of Prof Francisco Chinesta, a researcher in the PIMM laboratory at Arts et Métiers.

As Arts et Métiers is now present in Malaysia through the CoESIUM, a hub for skills & technological innovation in partnership with UTP, and the CETIM who is already very active in the ASEAN region, the CETIM and Arts et Métiers aim to build on their respective skills to better reply to industry needs in the ASEAN region.

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