CNRS@Create's Descartes program celebrates its 2nd anniversary

singapour actualité descarts program

It's already been 2 years since the CNRS@Create Descartes program was launched under the direction of Prof Francisco Chinesta, a professor in the PIMM laboratory at Arts et Métiers.

The 2-year celebrations took place at the international research campus and innovation hub, "CREATE", which hosts the Singapore National Research Foundation and interdisciplinary research centers from leading universities around the world. Descartes Week 2023 was a thrilling week of innovation, co-design and ethical AI!

This annual meeting brought together all DesCartes members and partners to explore cutting-edge developments in human-AI collaboration, responsible innovation and the ethical dimensions of AI.

A delegation from Arts et Métiers, comprising Ivan Iordanoff, Vice-President of Research and Innovation, Fodil Meraghni, Director of the Doctoral School, and Audrey Stewart, Director of Strategy and International Development, had the great pleasure of attending and discovering how young and established researchers are shaping the future of technology.

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