Arts et Métiers launches its “EVOLUTIVE LEARNING FACTORY” fund raising campaign

elf lunch campagin 2023

On Thursday October 19, all Arts et Métiers campuses organized an evening dedicated to the presentation of the Evolutive Learning Factories (ELF) to launch the fundraising campaign.

With the ELF program, Arts et Métiers is building a real factory-school to train for a responsible industry! The program involves developing 4.0 teaching platforms such as digital twins and connected assembly lines, using immersive and interactive technologies.

This will enable Arts et Métiers to provide teaching that combines theory and practice on industrial systems, while training students to meet society's expectations in terms of energy and the environment.

On October 19, over 500 participants came to discover the various technology platforms on the Arts et Métiers campuses. They took part in a series of demonstration workshops giving a practical overview of industrial equipment, development needs and training objectives


Each campus presented its ELF ambition around platforms and associated digital twins based on its expertise and territorial ecosystem:

  • Angers: towards the product life cycle
  • Aix-en-Provence: towards agile, rapid prototyping line 4.0
  • Bordeaux: towards sustainable, human-centered technologies
  • Châlons-en-Champagne: towards high-performance, intelligent production
  • Cluny: towards the connected factory
  • Lille: towards process robotization
  • Metz: towards process digitization
  • Paris: towards sustainable health engineering


Following the event on October 19, donations have already been made via the foundation's platform. 

Hopening, a fundraising agency, is now working with the Arts et Métiers teams to implement a fundraising strategy:

Dernières actualités

Où en est le programme ELF (Evolutive Learning Factories) lancé en 2021 ? Quels en sont les acteurs ? Quelles sont les prochaines étapes ?

Evolutive Learning Factories

Le point sur les avancées réalisées dans le cadre de JENII et les prochaines étapes du projet.

Actualité, Evolutive Learning Factories

Le projet, monté dans le cadre des ELF, vise à responsabiliser les utilisateurs des supercalculateurs et les inciter à réduire leur empreinte carbone.

Actualité, Evolutive Learning Factories

Reconstituer une voiture mythique de course en utilisant les outils modernes de rétroconception et d'éco-fabrication, c’est l’objectif du projet Delage V12.

Actualité, Evolutive Learning Factories