Summer school on Artificial Intelligence

Summer school on IA organized by the french-german institute for industry of the future

Organized by the French-German Institute for industry of the future, the summer school will take place from 19th october to 23rd october in Karslruhe.


This summer school is designed for PhD students.

Artificial intelligence is omnipresent in our society and in particular in the context of industry 4.0. This workshop aims to reflect the French and German vision for artificial intelligence, in order to develop advanced skills in this area.

Researchers will strive to harness their creativity to address real industrial problems using emerging AI methods and technologies. The societal impacts of AI will also be addressed and field trips to industrial partners are planned.


  • Lecture and workshops from researchers and industrials from both France and Germany
  • Visit of Huawei Research Center in Munich

See the entire program.

Practical information

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