International conferences


As one of Frances leading engineering institutions, Arts et Métiers contributes to many prestigious national and international conferences every year as an organizer, partner, and sponsor.

Due to our strategic locations all over France, we are also able to host conferences in cities with international appeal and excellent connections such as Paris, Bordeaux, Aix-en-Provence, and Lille.

The conferences organized by Arts et Métiers cover a wide variety of topics with expertise drawn from across the research disciplines of our laboratories. Some conferences are strictly academic, however, many are also organized in collaboration with the industry.

Bringing together international researchers to discuss groundbreaking scientific developments and the latest innovative solutions benefits not only Arts et Métiers but the scientific community at large. It encourages our researchers to challenge established ideas by embracing change and addressing the future challenges of science, industry and society and our institution is thus proud to contribute to these activities.

Upcoming conferences

  • 19th Driving Simulation & Virtual Reality Conference & Exhibition (DSC 2020) - Sept 2020
  • 14th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and 8th European Congress on Computational Methods Applied Sciences and Engineering (WCCM-ECCMAS 2020) July 2020 - cancelled. Alternative options are currently being explored by the organizers. 
  • CIRP Conference on Computer Aided Tolerancing - June 2022

Past Events

in 2020:

  • International Joint Conference on Mechanics, Design Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing (JCM 2020)

in 2019:


Dernières actualités

Où en est le programme ELF (Evolutive Learning Factories) lancé en 2021 ? Quels en sont les acteurs ? Quelles sont les prochaines étapes ?

Evolutive Learning Factories

Le point sur les avancées réalisées dans le cadre de JENII et les prochaines étapes du projet.

Actualité, Evolutive Learning Factories

Le projet, monté dans le cadre des ELF, vise à responsabiliser les utilisateurs des supercalculateurs et les inciter à réduire leur empreinte carbone.

Actualité, Evolutive Learning Factories

Reconstituer une voiture mythique de course en utilisant les outils modernes de rétroconception et d'éco-fabrication, c’est l’objectif du projet Delage V12.

Actualité, Evolutive Learning Factories