Signature of a Memorandum between Arts et Métiers and iCenter Tsinghua University, China

Signature of a Memorandum between Arts et Métiers and iCenter Tsinghua University, China

Prof Laurent Champaney, President Arts et Métiers met with Peng Gang, Vice President of Tsinghua University during a recent visit to China.

Arts et Métiers and Tsinghua have been collaborating since 2010 through student exchange. During the visit, a memorandum of understanding was signed with the iCenter at Tsinghua university in presence of Luc Moreau, Attaché for Science and Technology  and Didier Guy, Technological Innovation Expert of the Embassy of France in China

The objective of the MoU is to take the collaboration to a new stage in order to jointly train more outstanding talents for the two countries, particularly in the fields of intelligent manufacturing, technological innovation and continuing education.

The delegation also visited visited the Digital Capability Center, Maker Space, Innovation Workshop at the iCenter and discussed concrete cooperation in engineering education, innovation & entrepreneurship, as well as in continuing education.

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