
A world leader in consulting and digital transformation, CapGemini partners with Arts and Métiers  and Dassault Systems to train its employees in PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) tools to prepare them for Industry 4.0.

From Research to Education

It was Arts et Métiers academic expertise and the quality of its research,  that  led CapGemini to organize  training dedicated to digital engineering in collaboration with Art et Métiers

The collaboration with CapGemini began in 2017, through 2 PhD research projects led by Dr Frédéric Segonds,  assistant professor in the Design and Innovation Laboratory (LCPI) and Prof Philippe Veron, LISPEN laboratory and Director of  Arts Carnot Institute,  on the creative implementation of data and an increased design environment.

It was as a result of this collaboration that CapGemini naturally turned to Arts et Métiers to organize training in this field for its employees.

Arts et Métiers partner in this field, Dassault Systems, provides the tools as part of the 3DExperience

For new recruits and experienced employees

The training program is not only aimed at new recruits but also experienced employees in professional reorientation at CapGemini. The objective is for them to become PLM consultants. CapGemini also offers the programme in its " CapGemini School ", which was launched in 2019 to train future leaders in new markets related to industry 4.0

The program includes theoretical lessons related to the deployment of PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) tools: industrial project management, engineering and information systems, design methodologies, design and simulation...

The final day, which is one of the most appreciated by the participants, is devoted to a practical case where participants carry out the design, simulation and realization of a mechanical part in additive manufacturing, in the LCPI laboratory at Arts et Métiers in Paris.

Sessions are held each month, and already more than 70 people have been trained in 2019.

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