French-German Institute for Industry of the Future

Arts et metiers KIT comité english

A delegation from Arts et Métiers visited the Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) on the occasion of the Steering Committee of the French German Institute for Industry of the Future.

The delegation, led by Prof Ivan Iordanoff, Vice President Research and Innovation, visited KIT to take part in the steering committee of the Franco-German Institute for the Industry of the Future.

Arts et Métiers and Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) have been collaborating for many years, with its flagship double generalist engineering degree created over 25 years ago. It was in 2016 that the 2 establishments joined forces to form the Franco-German Institute for the Industry of the Future. One of the ambitions of this collaboration is to encourage students to take part in European projects of excellence, and to train future engineers for the new challenges of the industrial sector.

Research workshops are regularly organized around three themes: augmented reality/virtual reality, production systems and advanced manufacturing. A 4th, more cross-disciplinary theme is also at the heart of our work: artificial intelligence. 

The steering committee took stock of past activities and defined the main priorities for the coming year.

It was also the first steering committee meeting for the two new co-directors of the Franco-German Institute for the Industry of the Future, Prof Jean-Rémy Chardonnet, Director of the Institut Image d'Arts et Métiers in Chalon, who also spent a year on a CRCT at KIT, and Prof Volker Schulz, Head of the Institute of Production Science -Manufacturing and Materials Technology at KIT.

📍 On October 26, an internal workshop was held by videoconference to introduce German and French researchers to the 3 research areas of the Franco-German Institute and to initiate new collaborations. Over the course of 2024, further workshops will be organized, and project leaders will organize cross-site visits, as well as meetings between professors and students!

Dernières actualités

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