mew expertise chalons

A new expertise in the final year of the Specialized Engineering Program at the Arts et Métiers campus in Châlons-en-Champagne: "Low Technologies and Sustainable Development".


Sobriety throughout the product life cycle is one of the sustainable development challenges facing future engineers. The Low technologies (Low tech) approach will enable students to become aware of the environmental issues that companies need to integrate, and to take up this challenge by imagining a more sustainable design and production model.

This expertise is delivered on the Arts et Métiers campus in Châlons-en-Champagne, where students can take advantage of technology platforms, a FabLab, sports facilities, a residence and a university restaurant. The city also offers a wide range of cultural events.

The program is available as a full-time student or under a professionalization contract with industry!

Expertise strengths :

  • Training as a full time student or under a paid professionalization contract, with a minimum of 33 weeks in a company
  • Courses designed to give meaning to studies and professional projects
  • A program aligned with major environmental issues
  • Cross-disciplinary expertise for professional integration in all sectors
  • Expertise in line with industry needs


Ibrahim Demirci and Jérôme Isselin, Senior Lecturers

03 26 69 91 35 / 03 26 69 91 18



All information, programs and registrations on : Expertise "Low tech and sustainable development" | Arts et métiers (artsetmetiers.fr)

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