Living in France

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You need to prepare some things before you arrive in France. Here you will find some useful information. 

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Rhythm of life

French people do most of their shopping in supermarkets, usually open from 9.00 am to 8.00 pm, from Monday to Saturday.

Specialty shops are open from 9.00 am (even 7.00 am for the bakeries) to 7.00 pm every day except on Sundays (often closed a part of the afternoon).

Many shops and historical monuments are closed on Mondays.

The museums are generally closed on Mondays or Tuesdays.

Banks are open from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm, from Monday to Friday. A few of them are open on Saturday, generally in the morning.

Meal times: breakfast (7.00 to 9.00 am), lunch (12.00 to 2.00 pm), dinner (7.00 to 10.00 pm).

Banking Services

Before leaving your home country check whether your bank has a partnership with a French network, it could make things easier. Otherwise, ask around the different banks close to your place of residence or to the School.
To open a bank account as non-resident, you should bring: your passport, residence permit (if applicable), proof of accommodation and proof of student status (student card or admission letter).

Ask for a cheque book ("chéquier" - most often free of charge) and a debit card ("carte bleue" - cost: from ~€30 onwards, depending on the bank).

Cheques are much in use to deal with administrative formalities in France.

For these formalities, you will also need "Relevé d’Identité Bancaire = RIB" (this is a paper slip bearing the bank logo that gives your account details, name, and the address of the bank). Ask for several "RIB".

Public transport

In Paris

In the Ile de France Region

In France (trains)


You can have access to student restaurants operated by the CROUS (called “RU”="Restaurant Universitaire").

A meal will cost ~ €3.25 (upon presentation of your student card).


It is advisable:

  • To keep your passport (and visa/residence permit) in a safe place and keep photocopies separately.
  • Not to carry around large amounts of cash. Rather use your bank card.

For all emergencies, dial: 112, it is free from any phone

An operator will redirect your call to the appropriate service (ambulance, police or fire service)

Telephone - Internet

4 major networks are operating in France: Orange, SFR, Free and Bouygues, offering a wide range of prices and services, with subscription ("avec abonnement") or without subscription ("sans engagement").

There are many other providers for mobile phones (to compare options).

Pay-as-you-go ("prépayé") mobile phones can be bought in newsstands, post offices and supermarkets.

Post office

French postal services

Research collaborations

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To ensure that the expertise developed by Arts et Métiers has the best possible impact optimum impact, a small number of key intensive partnerships have been developed.

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Institutional collaborations

In 2017 the French-German Institute for the Industry of the Future was created in collaboration with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). The Institute offers training, research, and innovation in four key themes of the industry of the future: virtual and augmented reality, advanced production processes, production chain management, and robotics and cobotics.

Alliance with Texas A&M University (TAMU): a TEXAS A&M site is currently being developped at the Aix en Provence campus for materials and processes research activities (with joint research teams).

Alliance with the Universidad del Pais Vasco Bilbao (UPV Bilbao): creation of “Aenigme”, an international laboratory, which is managed scientifically by Arts et Métiers’ I2M laboratory and has an impact on all Arts et Métiers laboratories working on sustainable materials and processes.

Agreement with the China Scholarship Council (CSC): 24 PhD theses have been started since 2012 (six of which have been publicly defended) by Chinese PhD students at Arts et Métiers under this agreement.

Corporate Partnerships

Alliance with CEATech on the theme of additive manufacturing.

Alliance with the PSA Group, the second car and motorcycle manufacturer in Europe: through the Materials and Processes OPEN LAB, which studies innovative materials and efficient processes in order to develop vehicles of the future.

Founding member of the TEAM Henri Fabre Association alongside Airbus Helicopters and EDF. This association develops multithreaded enabling technologies in the field of materials and processes.

Participation in the Renault eco2 process centre for improving the energy efficiency of combustion engines.

Creation of a “smart industries” living lab with KUKA and CITC (Contactless Technologies Innovation Centre).

Research Chairs:

Carnot ARTS Institute

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Supported by Arts et Métiers and its academic partners, it is a powerful tool that supports many industry sectors in advanced technologies.

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Its scope is broad: providing technological diagnostics and engineering services, designing and conducting research and development activities, and guiding the transfer of acquired scientific knowledge towards its industrial application.

Scientific and technological excellence

The Carnot ARTS Institute  thus unites 20 laboratories with talent and material resources, making it a leading player in regional and national research. Due to the diversity and complementarity of its skills, the institute has a wide range of resources available to meet the ambitious demands of its collaborators.

Key figures

  • 20 recognised research laboratories,
  • 1,750 researchers,
  • more than €20+ M of industrial contracts per year with approximately 1,000 contracts,
  • a portfolio of more than 400+ patents
  • 700+ publications per year.

The Carnot label

Created in France in 2006, the Carnot label acknowledges the ability of research institutions and organisations to conduct research in partnership with companies. ARTS has benefited from the Carnot label ever since its creation in 2006 and the label has been renewed every 5 years since then.

Arts et Métiers incubator

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Located in the heart of Paris’ 13th arrondissement, the Arts et Métiers Paris Campus Incubator has supported innovative, sustainable business projects for over 10 years in a wide range of industries including mobility, robotics, materials, medical devices, energy, greentech, deeptech, services and technologies for industry, and Industry 4.0. 

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The incubator leverages the extensive expertise and resources available on the Arts et Métiers Paris campus – a prototyping workshop equipped with conventional and digital machining tools, an additive manufacturing workshop, research laboratories, and unique industrial expertise – to provide tailored support for the technical, industrial and business aspects of starting a company. 

With its strong focus on industry and sustainability, the Arts et Métiers Paris Campus incubator fully aligns with public policy aims to support strong, responsible reindustrialisation in France, taking into account human, social and environmental issues (Caisse des Dépôts et Consignation Banque des Territoires; France relance; BPI France).

Key figures

  • over ten years of activity
  • over 120 businesses created
  • over 700 jobs created
  • €8 million raised in funds in 2023
  • 78% businesses in operation 
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Supporting Arts et Métiers

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Companies have the opportunity to support Arts et Métiers in its development goals through the sponsorship campaign and the apprenticeship tax.

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Two arrangements enable businesses to contribute to the ambitions of Arts et Métiers.

  • Apprenticeship Tax: Companies select the higher education institution to which they allocate this annual tax, thereby contributing to the funding of apprenticeships and technological and professional training programs.
  • Sponsorship: This mechanism supports various projects undertaken by the institution or its campuses to enhance training and research activities, such as:

    • The Evolutive Learning Factory
    • Diversity initiatives
    • The Business Incubator

    Sponsorship offers a tax deduction for companies: 60% of your donation is deductible from corporate tax, up to €20,000 or 0.5% of turnover. For instance, a €100,000 donation costs the company only €40,000 after deduction.

  • For more information regarding a specific campus, please contact:
    Philippe Rouch, Director of Corporate Relations

lifelong skills development

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Concrete responses to changing skills requirements.

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In the face of the rapid changes in industry and occupations, training is more necessary than ever. Arts et Métiers offers its expertise to employees and other workers to contribute to their employability throughout their working lives.

All employees and workers are now considered to be the main players in their own professional development and skills adaptation. This ambition, which arrived with the 2014 vocational training reform, is a perfect match for the Arts et Métiers approach: offering a wide range of training arrangements and activities to meet all the needs of businesses and their employees. These courses are also open to job seekers and students.

Using the progress of the research and expertise of each campus as a basis, Arts et Métiers many programs are constantly developing and adapting.

It is also possible follow a Specialised Engineering course over three years. Designed for job seekers and students, the Mastère Spécialisé© provides cutting-edge expertise in a specific field or role.

Arts et Métiers also offers short and bespoke training courses for companies – which can then promote their employees' skills as well as those of workers on individual training leave and job seekers.

Recruiting Arts et Métiers students

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Internships, apprenticeships and jobs: businesses have many opportunities to find out about – and assess – the skills of Arts et Métiers students and graduates.

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As part of their curriculum, engineering students must complete several periods working in companies. They must do at least two internships; one internship of four weeks during the first year, an optional industrial internship during the second year and one end-of-course internship. The bachelor's degree courses also include periods of work experience.

Offer an internship

More than 2,500 internships are undertaken every year.

The first-year shop floor internship is an opportunity to find out about the industrial world. For a period of four weeks, it aims to enable the student to perform tasks as an operator in the fields of production or industrial services.

During the second year, the optional industrial internship enables students to put their skills to use during an assignment. Taking place in France or abroad, it is scheduled over a period of 13 weeks between mid-June and late September. The purpose of the internship is to put into practice what is learned during the course units: creating a preliminary project, developing a detailed design, controlling material processing, designing an industrial system, controlling an industrial system and assessing human/structure/society interactions.

The end-of-course internship, taking place over six months, demonstrates the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the course of study. It leads to a report, an assessment by the internship supervisor at the company and a public oral presentation.

Bachelor's degree training also includes internships, which play a direct role in the enhancement of students' skills: a four-week shop floor internship during the first year, a three-month internship during the second year and accentuated on-the-job immersion in the final year.

To offer an internship, go to our dedicated platform

Apprenticeship contracts

The Specialist Engineering training provides three years of apprenticeship with some time spent at the school and some in a company. The General Engineering includes an apprenticeship curriculum offering 24 places per year.

Recruit an Arts et Métiers engineer: the forum

The forum is the annual event for companies wanting to meet students and young graduates.

About 150 companies, of all sizes and from all industries, participate in the annual forum  organised by the Arts et Métiers students. Being put directly in touch with the students makes a major contribution to their recruitment programmes.

Every year, the Arts et Métiers Forum attracts around150 companies and more than 5,000 students and future engineers. This gives recruiters the opportunity to interact with the talented young people from all the school's campuses, who travel for this occasion, and to find out about the added value they can offer employers.

Planned for this event: business conferences and round tables on industrial themes, as well as themed topics (areas for advice, small businesses and foreign companies).

Recruit an Arts et Métiers engineer: posting job offers

Recruiters can also post their job offers on the websites of the two alumni associations: