Arts et Métiers participe au Salon Studyrama des Masters, Mastères Spécialisés & MBA

Espace Champerret - Salon Studyrama
17 March
Paris - Espace Champerret

Retrouvez Arts et Métiers le 17 mars 2018 de 10h00 à 17h30, stand 76, Hall A de l'Espace Champerret pour découvrir son offre de Mastères Spécialisés®.

Last news

Arts et Métiers offers varied study programmes, each of them having its own application procedure and admission criteria : Everything You Need to Know !


As part of their training, ten students from the Arts et Métiers campus in Bordeaux-Talence and ESTP Paris, a leading engineering school in construction, completed a hands-on internship in Armenia, combining cultural immersion,


Félix Lavanchy, a third-year student at the Arts et Métiers campus in Bordeaux-Talence, is about to embark on a unique experience in his engineering journey.


In 2025, the Arts et Métiers campuses and institutes invite you to experience something unique during their exceptional Open House Days! 
