Metz Campus

One of the key players of the Technopôle de Metz, a centre of excellence for new technologies, the Arts et Métiers Metz campus is at the core of a dynamic environment with which it interacts. The Technopôle hosts several higher education institutions: CentraleSupélec, GeorgiaTech Lorraine, ESITC, ENIM and University of Lorraine, as well as many companies, competitiveness clusters and research centres: CEATech, Materalia, IRT M2P, World Trade Center Metz-Saarbrücken, Institut Lafayette, etc.
Two routes to an international double degree
Since opening in 1997, the Arts et Métiers Metz campus has been focusing on an international, multicultural orientation offering double degree courses. Its historic partnership with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology has led to the dual graduation of 750 French and German students. Currently, one third of students enrolled at the Arts et Métiers Metz campus – equivalent to 150 engineering students per year – are taking the Franco-German double degree. It is the only international curriculum offered by Arts et Métiers that students can join in the 1st year.
The Arts et Métiers Metz campus has also developed a strong partnership with the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, the European branch of which is in Metz. Every year, 30 engineering students take the Franco-American curriculum, with one part of the training provided at Georgia-Tech Lorraine and one part at the American campus in Atlanta.
Other campus feature: double skills courses with the École Supérieure du Soudage et de ses Applications [Graduate school of welding and welding applications] (ESSA) and the École Supérieure de Fonderie et de Forge [Graduate School of Foundry and Forge] (ESFF).
The research activities are brought by two laboratories: the LEM3 (Laboratoire d’Étude des Microstructures et de Mécanique des Matériaux) and the LCFC (Laboratory of design, manufacturing and control).They enable the campus to showcase its areas of expertise, both in student training and in responses to the needs of businesses: factory of the future, mechanical studies, mechanical design, production systems design, materials analysis, forging and materials forming.
A message from the Director
"I am pleased to be able to make my contribution to the development of these essential tasks: the training of our young people who will irrigate and shape the society of tomorrow, with innovation and research as essential vectors of the excellence of Arts et Métiers in support of industry. Thanks to the involvement and the recognised skills of all our staff, we have turned out hundreds of graduate and PhD engineers, including some with double qualifications with Germany and the United States. Via the Metz campus, Arts et Métiers also plays a crucial role in the development of the region as an attractor of talent, a tool for synergy between industrial and academic partners at local and international level thanks to its unique industrial platforms. This is the guarantee for our young people that they will acquire the skills and knowledge to advance tomorrow’s industry. The industry of the future is being manufactured here in Metz." Stéphane Fontaine, Director of Arts et Métiers Metz campus
- General Engineering, 2 fields of expertise in the 3rd year:
- Management of technological innovation in the automotive industry (MITA)
- Management of the Factory of the Future.
- Specialised Engineer: Design and Operation of Industrial Equipment (C2AR)
- Research masters:
- Engineering sciences and materials science Mechanical engineering and materials engineering
- Knowledge Integration in Mechanical Production – Design and Manufacturing (KIMP)
- Doctorate
Main partners
- École Supérieure de Fonderie et de Forge [Graduate School of Foundry and Forge], Georgia Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, ITII Lorraine, University of Lorraine, Groupe Institut de Soudure [Institute of welding group].
- Arcelor Mittal, Thyssenkrupp Presta France, Manoir Industries, PSA, Safran System Aerostructures, Faurecia, Colas Est, Ateliers des Janves.
address and contact
Campus Arts et Métiers de Metz
4, rue Augustin Fresnel
57078 Metz Cedex 3
Metz Technopôle - 4, rue Augustin Fresnel - 57070 Metz
Tél. : 03 87 37 54 30
Getting to the campus : plan
- Education: Katarzyna Dziadosz-Magron
- Communication: Jennifer Fieutelot
- Business relations: Mickaël Rivette
- International relations: Camille Winter
- Continuous training: Najat Loubiri
- Student residence: Yves Becker
The Arts et Métiers Metz campus in figures
- Almost 500 general engineers
- 36 apprentice engineers
- Around 20 PhD students.
- 2 Research Masters
- 2 fields of expertise in the 3rd year
- 2 double international diplomas (Germany and the United States)
- 2 research laboratories